Located at the northern tip of Washington County.
Town of
Putnam, New York
Putnam Animal Control

Dog Control Officer
Nancy Quell
Dog Licenses
In accordance with New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, you must license your dog in the township the dog is being harbored. You must have a rabies certificate, signed by a licensed veterinarian, with you. Washington County was declaired a rabies county in August of 1992, therefore New York State requires a rabies certificate in order for you to license your dog. If your dog has been spayed or neutered you must also have a spaying or neutering certificate with you. We will make copies of the certificates for our records and return the originals to you.
You can license your dog at the
Putnam Town Clerk's office.
Dog License Fees
$15. for un-spayed and un-neutered dogs.
$6. for spayed and neutered dogs.
Pick Up Fees
1st offense $25
2nd offense $50
3rd offense up to $100
Boarding Fee $15 PER Day

Wild Animal Control Officer
James Hebert
(518) 585-4440